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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Senior Sessions Post #9

Senior are one of my top favorites to photograph! There are many creative things that you can do with older children (well they probably do not prefer that term) that young kids are not able to do as much. Seniors girl are normally the pickiest clients. They have a certain way they want themselves to look and for a lot of them it is probably the only time they will get to do a photo shoot like this. So, trying to capture them in the way they are aiming for is a big part of shooting seniors. Senior sessions are normally pretty fun because posing is a lot more open and they can do more difficult stuff.  I recently photographed my cousin’s senior pictures and that a loud me to be creative in a lot of aspects that I do not get to experience very often when photographing kids. I loved getting to practice on her and try new things and new light in an outside setting. I used a reflector to lighted her while under a covering that was blocking the sun. The reflector created an amazing lighting effect that turn into a gorgeous picture. These pictures are by far my favorite.


  1. I love seeing all the amazing pictures on the posts. The posts seem well thought out and well written.

  2. Your pictures look great and I can definitely tell you are very passionate about what you do.
